
The Romanian Shipbuilders Association

We represent the interests of shipyards and manufacturers, equipment and raw materials distributors in Romania  on national and international level.

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News from Shipbuidling Industry

Europort Romania-2016

Europort Romania which is going to arrive on 10.05.2016 to 12.05.2016 at Constanta, Romanya a b2b event organized by Ahoy Rotterdam and focussed on Shipbuilding,

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INDUSTRIA NAVALĂ ROMÂNEASCĂ – LIDER EUROPEAN ANCONAV – asociaţia profesională a industriei navale are peste 50 de membri şi este membră a SEA Europe (European

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What we do

  • Promoting the shipping industry by organizing fairs and exhibitions with government backing;
  • Promoting constructive dialogue with the Romanian government and ministries;
  • ANCONAV affiliation to the European profile association SEA Europe;
  • Participation in working groups of the association Europe SEA (RDI, market forecast, leadership);
  • Participation in the working group association WP6 OECD;
  • Association members promote participation in research and development projects with European financing innovation;
  • Romanian maritime cluster development;
  • Development Department of an active partnership with representatives of shipowners, other associations, and with technical universities in Romania;
  • Creating a high performance platforms for communication and information between members.